MEDIA RELEASE 8 June 2022Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS) The Minister for Child Protection and Family Services, Anthony Carbines, has introduced the Aboriginal Statement of Recognition Bill today despite not…
31 May 2022JOINT MEDIA RELEASE (HRLC and VALS) The Federal Court has ordered that a case against the Federal Government, seeking fair and equal access to the age pension for…
27 May 2022JOINT MEDIA RELEASE (HRLC and VALS) A Federal Court case against the federal government, seeking fair and equal access to the Age Pension for Aboriginal and Torres Strait…
MEDIA RELEASE 3 May 2022Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS) Today the Andrews Government chose once again to leave the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS) dangerously underfunded. Perversely, this is the…
JOINT MEDIA RELEASE 26 April 2022Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS), Dhadjowa Foundation and Robinson Gill Lawyers The Coronial Inquest into the death in custody of Veronica Nelson begins today. The…
MEDIA RELEASE 23 April 2022Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS) Over 30 years ago, the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (RCIADIC) recommended decriminalising public intoxication in all states and…
A Victorian parliamentary inquiry has called for an overhaul of the state’s bail laws following its review of the state’s criminal legal system. The Legal and Social Issues Committee found…
Joint Media ReleaseThursday 17 March 2022 “Youpla preyed on the community’s financial vulnerability around sorry business and used fear and misinformation to sell their poor value products,” Chief Executive Officer…
Today fourteen legal organisations wrote a letter to Police Minister Lisa Neville, expressing serious concern about Victoria Police’s failure to correctly swear in more than 1,200 police officers over the…
MEDIA RELEASE 3 March 2022Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS) Content warning: this document contains discussions of abuse and trauma VALS acknowledges and pays our respects to the members of the…