Did you know?
- One in four prisoners in Australia is Indigenous while Indigenous Australians make up just 2.5% of the population.
- Indigenous women have the highest and fastest growing imprisonment rate in Australia. The offences are commonly of a non-violent nature and substance abuse is a factor in most instances.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people remain one of the most profoundly disadvantaged groups in Australia. They fall well below national benchmarks on virtually every measure of well-being and socio-economic status.
These facts and figures are disturbing and complex.
But you can help!
In 2012-13 alone, VALS assisted 5163 clients. Not only that, we run major test cases, deliver early stage Community Legal Education in priority areas, undertake high level research and policy work, and deliver a vital 24 hour a day, 7 day a week, 365 day a year support and referral service to Indigenous people in contact with the justice system.
For 50 proud years, we have been the peak body in this professional and cultural space. We make a difference, and with your help, we can do so much more.
Become a Friend of VALS now. Head to our DONATE page to make payment or check out our Volunteer page to get in contact.