Community Legal Education

VALS is committed to supporting members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community through ongoing community based legal education. VALS also offers training and development opportunities to members of the community that are passionate about supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Victoria.

We also employ a number of talented legal professionals that are happy to make themselves available for plenary speaking, guest speaking and keynote presentations. Our staff are passionate about giving voice to the voiceless and sharing the stories of individuals that want their stories to be heard by the community.

VALS also operates a CLE bus, equipped with resources and materials to support communities. The VALS bus is often seen travelling through rural Victoria sharing resources and creating a sense of community with our clients.

Would you like to access some of our community legal education resources? We design resources for all ages and communities, click here to access the VALS Digital Library.

Our Impact

The Community Legal Education program operates throughout Victoria. The program delivers legal information sessions to the community and participates in other community events with the Justice Bus. Funding has been an issue this past year to have events cover the whole state of Victoria. However, VALS continues to look for funding opportunities for the CLE program to educate and help Aboriginal communities to know their rights.

Our programs

VALS holds information sessions for the community about our Civil Law and Family Law practices. We provide information on:

  • Child Protection Debt issues             
  • Child Access Rental
  • Grandparents Rights 
  • Funeral insurance
  • Intervention Orders Wills

An important element of the CLE program is the networking that is done with other agencies to bring information to community groups. Partnerships with other Legal agencies such as Victorian Legal Aid and other Community Legal Centres provide additional support. VALS works with many groups throughout Victoria on projects to increase legal awareness and give legal options to community members in need of legal help.

VALS’ solicitors are available to speak to the community at informal and friendly events throughout the year. It’s also a great way for solicitors to understand the hardships in Aboriginal regional communities and hear their stories.

Our future

The Community Legal Education team is looking forward to further projects to be launched across the state. VALS endeavors to obtain more funding to help the CLE program undertake more outreach in the coming years.

Find out more

If you would like to find out more about the CLE VALS offers please use the contact form and we will respond to your request as soon as possible. 

If you would like to request a CLE session, or make suggestions for CLE programs, please contact us through the contact form.